Monday, August 15, 2005

Catching up and the Cohen's Lifestyle diet..

Caught up on work, and on some other odds and ends which makes me feel good! Feeling much better these past few days. Still having to sleep most arvo's for a couple of hours but didn't today. Am about to do a little work on my advertisement for staff and then I think I will call it a night.

Jodie and I sat down over coffee at the Grand Hotel yesterday and decided on winners of the first NEW YOU Challenge. We did however, have a tie for the International Grand Champion, so will need to call on someone else to provide another opinion. So, this will be announced very soon!

Training has been good, been lifting some good weights, they are going up and I am feeling quite strong. Today was a day off training, however I walked into town in the late morning, had a short macchiato with Damien at the cafe, then went tanning. Did a few jobs, including booking in for another trim and colour - tired of being dark haired already, think lighter suits me better, so I am going the opposite :) Light with dark highlights. Think my hairdresser vanted to keeeel me :) Oh well that's what we pay them for! Then I walked home again. So that was a decent cardio session.

On another subject - everyone is talking about this Cohen's Lifestyle diet. I'd never heard of it until one of my client's told me about it and showed me what she had been on. I nearly freaked! This diet is SO low calorie, tiny tiny meal portions, even veggies has to be weighed to the 5g mark!! Can you believe, 105g veg? But no broccoli, carrots or eggplant. Protein portions were 65g of cheese, 85g tuna etc. You can have 2 pieces of fruit through the day and 4 crispbreads. You MUST wait at least 5 hours between meals!!! And get this, this is the kicker - in their words - "it is not recommended you do any exercise other than walking in case you get too hungry and binge". Yes I am serious. People are raving about this diet as 'so and so lost 35kg in 3 months'. Yeah, and have a look at them! Stick arms and legs, not a skerrick of muscle and no doubt, in 12 months time or less they will be fatter than they started, with screwed up metabolisms and goodness knows what other problems. K, rant over. Makes me so mad.

Jade thanks so much for the info on your naturopath. I did have another test done at a place in Qld - I was a bit skeptical to say the least, as they test the energy from your hair :) I was interested to have this food sensitivity test done to see how it matched up to the other one I had done recently (from my blood). As I predicted, foods they told me were fine, were classed as "highly sensitive" on my previous one ie almonds, grapefruit, soy, eggs, kidney beans. And vice versa, ones they told me were highly sensitive were ok on my other one - goat milk, corn and caffiene. There were notably, 2 things that were on both highly sensitive lists - dairy, and most grains. So I guess it would be prudent of me to avoid the things that were on both lists as highly sensitive. Any wonder a person ends up confused and frustrated though.

Ok, I better get moving!

Hi Jemma! :)