Thursday, July 28, 2005

Hitting a wall :(

Yesterday I felt fine right up to evening, then I became exhausted and craving carbs again. I caught up on feedback and then turned the computer off, sat on the couch and read - but first I ate about 8 thin corn cakes (only 2 over my allowance!), a protein bar (bad) and an apple, and tried to ward off a bad food episode. I did reasonably well and made sure I was in bed before 10pm. I woke at 6am this morning with a strange feeling in my throat - feels like another sore one coming on :( That would really suck as I just had a bad cold 3 weeks ago, and I hardly ever get colds/flu's.

Had lunch with an old work friend yesterday, that was good to catch up. I mean she's not old, but we used to work together :)

Did my cardio on the free runner yesterday, never used one before - was quite weird to start with. 30 mins at around 150bpm then some sloooooooooowwwwwwww ab crunches.

Made a few udpates to my web site, Jodie's Success Story is up as is my 'staff page' - of which Jodie needs to be added.

We are training at 3.30pm today as Jode has a meeting.

I dreamed 2 days in a row about Dianna!! What is up with that!!! It was quite weird, hard to piece together.

Ok, must get going. I have a lot of work on this week and next so I must get productive today.

Shane glad to hear you are still around, I just remember reading you had big plans this Challenge and you seemed to have gone missing :)

Attached a pic from my wedding that was pusblished in the latest Ironman mag...