Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Well I worked until 10.30pm tonight. Had to, otherwise I would never get on top of it! Tomorrow night am having a night off, and going out for dinner.

Trained with Jodie tonight, trained by myself last night as Jode was sick. I am sore in my chest already from yesterday. Did some smith squats with baby weights tonight :) I am sure I will improve quickly. I hope so anyway, it's embarrassing with those tiny plates :)

Forgot to mention, I met another of my clients, Dawn, from Sydney, at the All Female show on the weekend. She gave me a great card and a great workout top as a thank you gift :)) I am getting to meet a lot of my clients lately, it's great!

I have been on 3 days of low carbs, and tomorrow is my high day, yippee!! Looking forward to my protein frappe the most!! One every 4 days is a huge effort for me! But, I'm doing it, sticking to my 'food list' and I am keen to start getting some good results with my new trainer/training regime. Cardio tomorrow. Am only doing 3 x 25mins this week, then building up slowly. Coach A doesn't want me going too hard too soon and burning myself out. Speaking of, hoping to hear from him soon with yet another new program. Now that he knows my weaknesses.

My house is a mess. It's way too small for us now. We have no room at all. So it's just in a constant mess. Can't have visitor's it's too embarrassing. Cannot wait until we start building!! Couple more months and we should be right to go.

Please everyone, vote for my NEW YOU Challenge winner -

Ok, time to sleep. Been sleeping in until 9am every morning since getting back from Melbourne. This is a good thing. Though it takes a big chunk out of my work day!

Dianna I do not have an obsession with you know what :) You were the one that couldn't stop talking about them. I will get back to you as soon as I get a moment!