Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I am a newbie to this Blog, so bear with me. Reason for this new blog is like my titles says - I have to learn how to squat! Well, re-learn should I say. I have not been squatting correctly and this obviously has impacted on my ability to build some decent quads.

So, I have a bit of a 12 month plan. First up will be to learn the proper technique of all exercises according to Coach A. I will call him Coach A coz I don't want to give away his identity. I met him for the first time on the weekend and I was utterly impressed. I always ask lots of questions, I am a pain in the bum for that. Just ask my previous trainers. But, Coach A loves questions :) He is a stickler for proper technique. I am just spewing I can't train with him weekly. He lives too far away for that. But, I plan to catch up with him whenever I can. Next time will be back in Melbourne, in 2 months time.

While learning proper technique, I will be using baby weights. :( How humbling. Was told my strength is basically pretty poor, but it should improve quickly once I have the technique down. My goal over the next few weeks is to perfect the technique and slowly add weight to my lifts. Over the course of the 12 months, I will be aiming to increase my strength big time. My ultimate goal is to compete in 12 months time at the INBA All Female Muscle & Fitness show, in the best condition I have been in. Proudly sporting at least 2kg of new muscle. Actually I will talk to Coach A and see what he reckons is a good goal numbers wise. He already told me I will need to get my quad skin fold in single figures, of which I have not yet managed to do.

I'm very excited.

The other purpose of this blog, is to track my health. I have been having major problems with chronic fatigue/exhaustion. I have had many tests done just recently and they have shown a number of things.

1. I have Stage 3 Adrenal Exhaustion. Supposedly that is one stage away from total adrenal burnout and Addison's disease? Correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, it's not good. It causes all sorts of problems, not just the fatigue/burnout. But I won't go into that.

In a 'normal' person (well, I AM normal, but you know what i mean) the adrenals respond to stress by producing cortisol. Over time your adrenals can become exhausted from stress overload and will then not be able to produce enough cortisol. That is where I am at.

I need to get a lot of sleep and rest, eat good food, and take some supplements.

2. My antioxidant levels are below the reference range.

3. I am waiting for my thyroid function test to come back - I predict it will show low thyroid function, but will see :)

So, I have a few issues I am wanting to get under control. Training and dieting for a contest will put even more stress upon my burned out body. So, I have a plan in place. It includes taking on less work, and shutting down my computer at night times. It includes a carb cycle diet, and includes flax seed oil on low carb days.

I will be taking:

Vital Greens
Vitamin C

That's it for now. That list will probably increase.

No training today, and perfect diet. One meal less as I got up late. This will be a good thing as the weekend was less than flash. Tomorrow Jodie and I will be training chest (and other bits and pieces) at 6.30pm.

I don't really know all the features of this blog yet, so will endeavour to find out over time. Am pretty busy with work at the moment, new enquiries galore. The advertising is working!
