Friday, July 22, 2005

Great day!

I have been feeling great this whole week. When I have woken early (like 4 or 5am) instead of getting up, I've been trying to go back to sleep - it's worked. So the sleep has obviously been helping me. I have not had to have any arvo naps this week! Also, my adrenal medicine arrived so I am all set. It's like a vitamin shop at my place. Pills and potions everywhere.

More good news is that I woke up lighter this morning, after a high carb day! Was pleasantly surprised.

Jodie and I trained tonight, excellent workout - mostly shoulders. Drop sets are killer. I also managed a 25 min run at 145-150bpm this morning. It was beautiful outside today, t-shirt weather. Tomorrow we are training legs - back to the baby weights.

Got 3 programs done today, 3 yesterday, so only 4 to do for the weekend - I am on track to perhaps even have a day off!!! What's that??? :)

Ok time to go and watch some footy and cricket in bed.