Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Another great workout done!

Increased my piddly squat weight to 25kg (including bar) - but at least I am doing it right :) Knee extensions followed and with just 5 sets of squats and 4 sets of extensions, my quads were nicely done. We also did some back work too - seated row, 5 sets, and lat pull to front, 4 sets. Biceps, standing ezy curl - 5 sets (my forearms started hurting - I hope my tendonitis is not coming back), seated DB Curl, 3 sets and 3 sets of seated calves. Done! Love training with Jode.

Trying to do some updates to my web site - including a staff page (Personal Success Mentor's), adding Jodie's success story with tips and recipe to front page, will be adding a NEW YOU Challenge page with all the details of my transformation comp including prizes and sponsors, and a couple more articles to the media page.

I will be announcing the first NEW YOU Grand Champions within the next few weeks. Jodie and I will get together as soon as I have all the Finalist Questionnaires in.

I woke at 4am this morning and did not get back to sleep. Got up at 5am, worked until 11.30, then back to bed until 2pm. I feel a bit tired now. So far have gone 8 days without any exhaustion! :) Even Damien noticed this week that I was more energetic and brighter (brighter - like happier, not smarter, ok? :) ) than usual.

Tomorrow is cardio - 30 mins and will do on the elliptical trainer I think. 150bpm for 30 mins is this weeks cardio goal. Increasing 5 mins each week.

Will also have my skin folds taken at the gym this Friday if I can. Usually I just do my own but I am having someone else take them too this time. With a different type of caliper.

Anyway, time to get to bed and do a bit of reading.

Oh, trip to Japan in October is booked! Have not had 2 seconds to even do any research on Japan and where we are going. Better do that soon! Only for 5 days. I will be taking 2 weeks off work, as I have a trip to Melbourne the week prior.

Ideal Bodies Online is crazy busy - all good though. I may need some staff soon! Any takers?