Thursday, August 04, 2005

Squat Skyrocket!

Well, we trained tonight and lo and behold, my beloved squat rack was GONE. In it's place a step machine and a treadmill. WTF??? I was so mad!! I enquired ever so politely as to what had happened to it, and was told it had been moved to another gym. I then proceeded to let poor Lisa know exactly how pissed off I was. Was told "nobody uses it". ie it's in the ladies gym and most women use machines and stuff. My argument is that the trainers there should be damn well TEACHING THE LADIES HOW TO USE IT. So mad. Anyway we were told we had to use the squat racks in the co-ed gym - well, at 6pm at night it's packed full with meat heads (smelly ones too) and every man and his dog wanting to use them. When it was time to squat, there was one free, and had an Olympic bar on it - heavier than our regular bar. We had to scout around the gym (in vain) trying to find small enough weights to put on the bar. Since we are re-learning to squat, increments of 20kg is kind of a bit too much :( That is all we could find to fit this particular bar. So, we squatted with 20kg on the Olympic bar. An increase of 7.5kg from the last time we squatted. Managed 3 sets of 8 and then one at 6 where I failed on the 7th and ended up sprawled on the floor in the rack :) So, coach should be happy with our effort. Next time I think we will have to use a different bar so we can find some smaller weights to fit it. Especially when doing behind the neck presses with it.

So, this is my ME time. 10.30pm and my first chance to write. And I get to it and I can't think because my brain is drained.

Anyway, training is going really well, as is cardio. Diet is going ok, interspersed with excellent and then some pretty crap days as well. But that's a whole 'nother story. Very frustrating.

Also found out today the results of my Thyroid Function test. My free T3 levels are below normal, so not sure what that means in the whole scheme of things. No doubt my metabolism is slow and I'm probably hypothyroid - that and adrenally maxed out no wonder it's not falling into place. Still, I'm determined. Will have a consult with doc in 2 weeks.

Michelle, how cool you are into Tess Gerritsen (sp?) too - I have not read all her books as yet. Don't even know what the new one is.

Lots of controversy on the Blog of late - I gotta agree with Dianna. Whatever. Don't read if you don't want, and if you do and you have an opinion, why not post it. It's just words. Was nothing personal. Don't let it get to you! :)

Well I best get off this screen and assume my getting ready for bed mode. I actually just finished dinner - 10.30pm at night. Training is taking way too long these days.

Happy birthday to all the girls at Body Blog..