Friday, August 05, 2005

Friday night 7pm and in my jammies

Nothing better in the middle of winter. I tend to become a bit antisocial when it's cold, all I want to do is stay where it's warm. Just finished Day 5 of program, on my own tonight, Jode not feeling too well. Of course all the stupid racks in the co-ed meat head gym were taken (see previous post) so I had to do my BB Shoulder Presses on the smith machine. Wonder when they will be taking that...yes, I'm still not over the fact they have removed, without a word, the squat rack in the women's gym. I will have my say when I get the opportunity, not that it will matter or help!

I have a record number of programs to write this week - done 7, 10 more to go. So, if you are waiting for yours, it may be Sunday before it's ready.

I AM going to start doing some research into getting some staff. It's getting too much for me alone and is becoming quite stressful. I am not going to work nights any more, it is not doing my health any good. Love to hear from anyone who may have an interest in this. Just not sure on specifics yet. Will probably put out an Expression of Interest in the near future.

One of my new clients is going to have a blog on my home page, so visitors to the site can follow her progress.

Questionnaires from the NEW YOU finalists should have all been in today, so Jodie and i will sit down probably next week sometime and go through the entries. How difficult is it going to be to choose a winner!!!

Nic, I'd be happy to help, what do you want me to do? Good idea on the entry too.

Kathleen T. Wow. I am speechless. You have a challenge in front of you but what a great attitude you have - am SURE you will do very well.

Cardio tomorrow, maybe 2 sessions. Going out to a charity dinner on the Avoca paddleboat tomorrow night.

Oh, and I meant to say ages ago Michelle, that Tom summed up the carbing up/depleting, post comp issues very very well. I certainly feel more attuned to carb intake now - before I could never tell, but now if i have too much I definitely feel bloated and puffy. I am not sure if I am more carb sensitive now, or that I am just more aware of the feeling.