Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Lots going on!

Just knew today wouldn't be a good one as I woke at 4am :( Could not get back to sleep so I got up at 5 and started working. Had about 1/2 hr nap at 9.30am but that wasn't enough, tried to go back to sleep at 4pm but no such luck! Grrr. I am really tired so why can't I sleep! Anyway, as always, the cravings come with the tiredness it seems. Munched my way through a bit too much dairy and rice bran today.

I have had some awesome days since Saturday - 3 great days in a row and I start feeling like I can do anything :)

Had first chat on the phone with my new CHEK nutrition/lifestyle coach today. We are working on my diet firstly - I will be trying to use a metabolic typing diet - I am a "Protein Type" and therefore require mostly protein foods, and fat - little grains if any. It's pretty full on and with my adrenal exhaustion I'm not sure I can get into it 100% from the beginning so we have come to a bit of a compromise to start with. I will remove all grains from my diet except brown rice. I can include legumes (been getting into chickpeas of late), and I will include sweet potato - we actually didn't discuss sp but I can't live on rice alone :) I can't bring myself to totally give up dairy at this stage, so instead of giving it up totally I will keep in some cream for my 2 coffees (1 caffienated, 1 decaf), and then rotate other dairy on a 4 day basis. So, every 4 days I will allow myself to eat dairy - and this will allow me to see if it causes me any problems.

Now, the big difference for me is the allowance of fat - fat is not really restricted - including saturated fat. I am going to cook with coconut oil, include some butter perhaps, and nuts, avocados etc. This is very different from what I am used to. It's kind of weird eating all this high fat food, but I like it :) I have to make sure I eat protein, carbs, fat at every single meal.

I am not going to weigh and measure, just eat from my allowed foods, and eat until satisfied.

Getting enough sleep and rest is SO important to me as this affects everything else. I must say I have noticed I am sleeping a lot better these days - probably the last few weeks. Last night was what I used to do - wake up really early and get up. Lately I have really been trying to get back to sleep when I wake (I wake up 95% of nights) and most times I can - and then I sleep until around 7.30-8.30am. So, 9 hours or more per night is ideal for me. Hence, last night's 4 hours didn't cut it.

So here is how my diet and other things have changed over the past couple of weeks:

1. All added sugar is gone
2. All artificial sweeteners are gone - I now use Stevia
3. All packaged food is gone and preservatives, additives etc
4. Hence, I am not eating protein bars or whey protein powders
5. I have one caffieneated coffee per day max - in place of the 2 or 3 I used to have
6. I am eating a lot more fat
7. I am buying more organic foods when possible
8. I am not working at night anymore
9. I have cut back on the amount of work I am taking on

My training will stay the same for now - I am not too worried about cardio - it's not as important at this point. PLUS, I am seeing some new muskles :)

Managed to squat 50kg (bit under my bodyweight) for 5 sets of 7, real slow and low, using quads, so happy with that - my 'learning to squat again' is going pretty well.

I have lots of questionnaires to fill out for my CHEKie over the next few days. Then I assume he may put together a bit more of a specific plan for me.

Had my hair coloured and trimmed yesterday - 4 hour job!! Lucky I thought ahead to take my work and my lunch with me! I went totally the opposite of what I was - so now am back to dark underneath and blonde on top, but it turned out a bit orange on top so going back in a week for some more foils! Other than that, was really happy with it!

Trip to Japan is only a month away!

Anyway, so there is my update. Will write down my eating each day, if I get the chance.