Learning how to squat!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

2004 INBA Nationals Posted by Picasa

Email down again!!

My idealbodiesonline address has not been working overnight - have not received any email to that address since last night. Please send to sueheintze@ncable.com.au

Day 1 of logging food:

1. 1/3 cup brown rice flakes, 3 pecans, 2 slices frozen banana and a drizzle of rice milk. My protein source was roast chicken, left over from last night - about 80g
*I started getting hungry about 2 hours after eating
2. 2 eggs, 1 white, 1/4 small avocado, 15g goat cheese (chevre), broccoli
My carb source was 1/2 apple.
*Felt very satisfied, right up to when I next ate, was really not that hungry but ate as I just completed a weight training session
3. 100g portugese sardines in hot sauce (LOVE these), approx 1/3 cup chickpeas, 1/4 cup brown rice, broccoli, 1/4 avocado, 1/2 tomato
*an hour and half later felt like I wasn't quite satisfied and craving something sweet so had just four small slices of banana and that did the trick
4. 100g salmon, 20g goat feta, 1/2 cup brown rice
*did not have veggies here as not overly hungry, not really sure what to do in this instance - should I remove the rice and just have veggies??
5. Serving of creamy curried beef - had veggies, no starchy's, and beef, and some coconut milk, and coconut oil/butter for cooking in. 1/2 frozen banana.

I must admit, this just appears to be so much heavy food and I'm a bit scared to eat this way :(

Found our local organic store this morning - it was quite good actually, can get most things, plus I got a number for a lady who delivers organic meat. Will follow that up when I get a chance.

Trained Day 5 of my program today - some shoulders with drop sets, ouch - and some triceps, and calves. Also did some Zone exercises from the Paul Chek book. Tomorrow I am getting up and before I even turn this computer on, I am going to the gym to do some interval cardio. Will train weights with Jodie tomorrow night.

I am seeing some decent muscle gains, my shoulders and arms seemed to have gotten a better shape - though the fat is hiding most of it at present. I'm really not liking not being able to diet yet. I still plan to, come January. I will have my adrenals checked out again at the end of the year - if they have improved, I want to compete. I will be very miserable if I can't.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Lots going on!

Just knew today wouldn't be a good one as I woke at 4am :( Could not get back to sleep so I got up at 5 and started working. Had about 1/2 hr nap at 9.30am but that wasn't enough, tried to go back to sleep at 4pm but no such luck! Grrr. I am really tired so why can't I sleep! Anyway, as always, the cravings come with the tiredness it seems. Munched my way through a bit too much dairy and rice bran today.

I have had some awesome days since Saturday - 3 great days in a row and I start feeling like I can do anything :)

Had first chat on the phone with my new CHEK nutrition/lifestyle coach today. We are working on my diet firstly - I will be trying to use a metabolic typing diet - I am a "Protein Type" and therefore require mostly protein foods, and fat - little grains if any. It's pretty full on and with my adrenal exhaustion I'm not sure I can get into it 100% from the beginning so we have come to a bit of a compromise to start with. I will remove all grains from my diet except brown rice. I can include legumes (been getting into chickpeas of late), and I will include sweet potato - we actually didn't discuss sp but I can't live on rice alone :) I can't bring myself to totally give up dairy at this stage, so instead of giving it up totally I will keep in some cream for my 2 coffees (1 caffienated, 1 decaf), and then rotate other dairy on a 4 day basis. So, every 4 days I will allow myself to eat dairy - and this will allow me to see if it causes me any problems.

Now, the big difference for me is the allowance of fat - fat is not really restricted - including saturated fat. I am going to cook with coconut oil, include some butter perhaps, and nuts, avocados etc. This is very different from what I am used to. It's kind of weird eating all this high fat food, but I like it :) I have to make sure I eat protein, carbs, fat at every single meal.

I am not going to weigh and measure, just eat from my allowed foods, and eat until satisfied.

Getting enough sleep and rest is SO important to me as this affects everything else. I must say I have noticed I am sleeping a lot better these days - probably the last few weeks. Last night was what I used to do - wake up really early and get up. Lately I have really been trying to get back to sleep when I wake (I wake up 95% of nights) and most times I can - and then I sleep until around 7.30-8.30am. So, 9 hours or more per night is ideal for me. Hence, last night's 4 hours didn't cut it.

So here is how my diet and other things have changed over the past couple of weeks:

1. All added sugar is gone
2. All artificial sweeteners are gone - I now use Stevia
3. All packaged food is gone and preservatives, additives etc
4. Hence, I am not eating protein bars or whey protein powders
5. I have one caffieneated coffee per day max - in place of the 2 or 3 I used to have
6. I am eating a lot more fat
7. I am buying more organic foods when possible
8. I am not working at night anymore
9. I have cut back on the amount of work I am taking on

My training will stay the same for now - I am not too worried about cardio - it's not as important at this point. PLUS, I am seeing some new muskles :)

Managed to squat 50kg (bit under my bodyweight) for 5 sets of 7, real slow and low, using quads, so happy with that - my 'learning to squat again' is going pretty well.

I have lots of questionnaires to fill out for my CHEKie over the next few days. Then I assume he may put together a bit more of a specific plan for me.

Had my hair coloured and trimmed yesterday - 4 hour job!! Lucky I thought ahead to take my work and my lunch with me! I went totally the opposite of what I was - so now am back to dark underneath and blonde on top, but it turned out a bit orange on top so going back in a week for some more foils! Other than that, was really happy with it!

Trip to Japan is only a month away!

Anyway, so there is my update. Will write down my eating each day, if I get the chance.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Sign up again for Newsletter

Hi all, hope everyone is going well! I've been head down bum up trying to get everything done - have had a bad few days healthwise, but as of today feeling much better. I have put up my ad on my home page - looking for staff! Need help! Also, due to the technical problems we experienced recently, anyone who signed up for my newsletter after March will need to re-sign up - we lost you :(


Thanks, will check in again soon for a chat!

PS Got our squat rack back, yeah! I squatted well today - my form is SO different and so much better now. Quads have got to grow! Following 5 sets of squats, supersetted knee extensions with supported squats. Ouch. Dencorub legs!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

All back on track!

Site and email back. All cool. A few links and things not working properly yet but won't be too far away. I am off to Adelaide for a few days, house stuff and getting our wedding album done. Have a house sitter while gone. Just chugging down my protein 'frappe' before I go.

Just finished training, yes Jodie, I went, and let me tell you those descending shoulder presses are killer.

Re the Lifewave patches - I'm considering trying them as my good friend Wayne from the INBA believes they are excellent. Will be interested to try the gym test they recommend.

I bought the entire series 1-6 of Oz on dvd on EBay last night! So excited, Damien and I love that show. It's the only tv show I watch! Actually someone else bid for me, I don't usually use it. Can't wait to get them! Be watching Oz for the next 6 months now :)

I have 2 of my client's Blogs up on my home page - if you want to follow their journey's just click and read!

I will have to wait for my newsletter software etc to be back up and running before I can announce winners of the New You contest.

Ok, that's it for now, will be checking mail etc from Adelaide.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Email and web site problems!

Email me at sueheintze@ncable.com.au if you are having trouble reaching me. Not sure what is going on. Hope to have it fixed very soon...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

hey Sue

Hello Sue, just thought I would add a post, really just testing it for you!! See you tonight for training.... Jodie

Monday, August 15, 2005

Catching up and the Cohen's Lifestyle diet..

Caught up on work, and on some other odds and ends which makes me feel good! Feeling much better these past few days. Still having to sleep most arvo's for a couple of hours but didn't today. Am about to do a little work on my advertisement for staff and then I think I will call it a night.

Jodie and I sat down over coffee at the Grand Hotel yesterday and decided on winners of the first NEW YOU Challenge. We did however, have a tie for the International Grand Champion, so will need to call on someone else to provide another opinion. So, this will be announced very soon!

Training has been good, been lifting some good weights, they are going up and I am feeling quite strong. Today was a day off training, however I walked into town in the late morning, had a short macchiato with Damien at the cafe, then went tanning. Did a few jobs, including booking in for another trim and colour - tired of being dark haired already, think lighter suits me better, so I am going the opposite :) Light with dark highlights. Think my hairdresser vanted to keeeel me :) Oh well that's what we pay them for! Then I walked home again. So that was a decent cardio session.

On another subject - everyone is talking about this Cohen's Lifestyle diet. I'd never heard of it until one of my client's told me about it and showed me what she had been on. I nearly freaked! This diet is SO low calorie, tiny tiny meal portions, even veggies has to be weighed to the 5g mark!! Can you believe, 105g veg? But no broccoli, carrots or eggplant. Protein portions were 65g of cheese, 85g tuna etc. You can have 2 pieces of fruit through the day and 4 crispbreads. You MUST wait at least 5 hours between meals!!! And get this, this is the kicker - in their words - "it is not recommended you do any exercise other than walking in case you get too hungry and binge". Yes I am serious. People are raving about this diet as 'so and so lost 35kg in 3 months'. Yeah, and have a look at them! Stick arms and legs, not a skerrick of muscle and no doubt, in 12 months time or less they will be fatter than they started, with screwed up metabolisms and goodness knows what other problems. K, rant over. Makes me so mad.

Jade thanks so much for the info on your naturopath. I did have another test done at a place in Qld - I was a bit skeptical to say the least, as they test the energy from your hair :) I was interested to have this food sensitivity test done to see how it matched up to the other one I had done recently (from my blood). As I predicted, foods they told me were fine, were classed as "highly sensitive" on my previous one ie almonds, grapefruit, soy, eggs, kidney beans. And vice versa, ones they told me were highly sensitive were ok on my other one - goat milk, corn and caffiene. There were notably, 2 things that were on both highly sensitive lists - dairy, and most grains. So I guess it would be prudent of me to avoid the things that were on both lists as highly sensitive. Any wonder a person ends up confused and frustrated though.

Ok, I better get moving!

Hi Jemma! :)

Friday, August 05, 2005

Friday night 7pm and in my jammies

Nothing better in the middle of winter. I tend to become a bit antisocial when it's cold, all I want to do is stay where it's warm. Just finished Day 5 of program, on my own tonight, Jode not feeling too well. Of course all the stupid racks in the co-ed meat head gym were taken (see previous post) so I had to do my BB Shoulder Presses on the smith machine. Wonder when they will be taking that...yes, I'm still not over the fact they have removed, without a word, the squat rack in the women's gym. I will have my say when I get the opportunity, not that it will matter or help!

I have a record number of programs to write this week - done 7, 10 more to go. So, if you are waiting for yours, it may be Sunday before it's ready.

I AM going to start doing some research into getting some staff. It's getting too much for me alone and is becoming quite stressful. I am not going to work nights any more, it is not doing my health any good. Love to hear from anyone who may have an interest in this. Just not sure on specifics yet. Will probably put out an Expression of Interest in the near future.

One of my new clients is going to have a blog on my home page, so visitors to the site can follow her progress.

Questionnaires from the NEW YOU finalists should have all been in today, so Jodie and i will sit down probably next week sometime and go through the entries. How difficult is it going to be to choose a winner!!!

Nic, I'd be happy to help, what do you want me to do? Good idea on the entry too.

Kathleen T. Wow. I am speechless. You have a challenge in front of you but what a great attitude you have - am SURE you will do very well.

Cardio tomorrow, maybe 2 sessions. Going out to a charity dinner on the Avoca paddleboat tomorrow night.

Oh, and I meant to say ages ago Michelle, that Tom summed up the carbing up/depleting, post comp issues very very well. I certainly feel more attuned to carb intake now - before I could never tell, but now if i have too much I definitely feel bloated and puffy. I am not sure if I am more carb sensitive now, or that I am just more aware of the feeling.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Squat Skyrocket!

Well, we trained tonight and lo and behold, my beloved squat rack was GONE. In it's place a step machine and a treadmill. WTF??? I was so mad!! I enquired ever so politely as to what had happened to it, and was told it had been moved to another gym. I then proceeded to let poor Lisa know exactly how pissed off I was. Was told "nobody uses it". ie it's in the ladies gym and most women use machines and stuff. My argument is that the trainers there should be damn well TEACHING THE LADIES HOW TO USE IT. So mad. Anyway we were told we had to use the squat racks in the co-ed gym - well, at 6pm at night it's packed full with meat heads (smelly ones too) and every man and his dog wanting to use them. When it was time to squat, there was one free, and had an Olympic bar on it - heavier than our regular bar. We had to scout around the gym (in vain) trying to find small enough weights to put on the bar. Since we are re-learning to squat, increments of 20kg is kind of a bit too much :( That is all we could find to fit this particular bar. So, we squatted with 20kg on the Olympic bar. An increase of 7.5kg from the last time we squatted. Managed 3 sets of 8 and then one at 6 where I failed on the 7th and ended up sprawled on the floor in the rack :) So, coach should be happy with our effort. Next time I think we will have to use a different bar so we can find some smaller weights to fit it. Especially when doing behind the neck presses with it.

So, this is my ME time. 10.30pm and my first chance to write. And I get to it and I can't think because my brain is drained.

Anyway, training is going really well, as is cardio. Diet is going ok, interspersed with excellent and then some pretty crap days as well. But that's a whole 'nother story. Very frustrating.

Also found out today the results of my Thyroid Function test. My free T3 levels are below normal, so not sure what that means in the whole scheme of things. No doubt my metabolism is slow and I'm probably hypothyroid - that and adrenally maxed out no wonder it's not falling into place. Still, I'm determined. Will have a consult with doc in 2 weeks.

Michelle, how cool you are into Tess Gerritsen (sp?) too - I have not read all her books as yet. Don't even know what the new one is.

Lots of controversy on the Blog of late - I gotta agree with Dianna. Whatever. Don't read if you don't want, and if you do and you have an opinion, why not post it. It's just words. Was nothing personal. Don't let it get to you! :)

Well I best get off this screen and assume my getting ready for bed mode. I actually just finished dinner - 10.30pm at night. Training is taking way too long these days.

Happy birthday to all the girls at Body Blog..