Friday, September 02, 2005

Feeling good!

Have been feeling great these last few days - I hesitate to say it because then something usually happens and I fall in a heap. But I need to track how I'm feeling so need to write it down :) Energy has been great, apart from the day I had with 4 hours sleep which messed with me, I have been feeling like I could conquer anything :)

Going to go for a run/walk later - it's beautiful outside - had appointments this morning so was not able to get to the gym for before brekky cardio. Trained last night - long, hard session. Shoulders, chest, hammies and tris. I was not as strong on my shoulder press behind the neck as I was the week before - I think because this was the 2nd day in a row with shoulders - generally better if I have that day off in between but with 2 on, 1 off it doesn't always work that way. I did lift 2 sets of 5 at 85lb for bench press which bettered my last week's effort. And no spot either. Did a bit better this week on Seated DB Press though so not a complete loss for shoulders.

1. 1/2 cup low fat ricotta, few cashews, 1/3 cup rice flakes, 3 chunks frozen banana, coffee with 2tsp cream and stevia
*I know I was only going to have dairy every 4 days but I was running late for appointments and needed something in a hurry. That and basically I wanted to eat dairy :) Felt great all morning - had to get my nails done, which I loathe. Last time I went I remember I could barely stay awake, my eyes were all puffy and I felt like crap. I felt fine and looked normal this morning!
2. 1/2 cup cottage cheese, few cashews, 1/3 cup brown rice, 3 chunks banana, veggies - carrot, broccoli, sugar snap peas. Decaf with 2tsp cream and stevia.

Tonight we have a function to attend. I may have a glass of wine, but I may not either. See what I feel like at the time. I won't be eating anything. It's for supper. Next weekend we are off to Adelaide again, I'm going to see a thyroid specialist.

I also ordered some supplements that my US doc previously recommended - I didn't get them at the time as I thought it was just way too expensive. It still is, but I am wanting to do as much as I can, especially now my diet is much much 'cleaner'. My liver test showed I was low in glutathione which I believe is a powerful antioxidant - the supplements I am getting have this ingredient, and bee pollen, among lots of other things. For 2 months supply it has cost me over $400 AUD. That's just the liver ones! Then there are all the adrenal function ones. However, I do feel as though everything I am doing is working.

Anyway, I have worked out my next year's plan as far as my health, business and competing go. Will fill you in later!

My email is still down, I am in the midst of changing web hosting companies in the hope that I can avoid all these issues in the future. So, bear with me please!

Michelle P, if you are reading, a public THANK YOU so much for the book you sent me. Was such a lovely surprise. :)